New Telegram ( TDATA + Session) > 7 days (Guarantee Phone Number)
In stock
Please provide us your email address, you will deliver accounts there.


  • Age/Year: 2024
  • Country: Random
  • Phone: Mostly VN
  • Account Format: Zip file with Tdata + Phone + Passcode


  • Accounts were created at least 7 days ago Username, TData, (Session may have Avatar)
  • Email were created with phone number/ unique ip. Didnt use for any black hat method
  • Phone number was rent from SMS site. We can guarantee that the phone number is protected for a year (still no access or get code from it)
  • Only use for spam, blackhat method. Dont use them as your main account
  • You should fake your IP to match the country of the phone number we provide to use the account for a longer period. Do NOT use VPN.


  • Our account will come as a zip file. After extract u will get a folder inlucde: Account information + Tdata + Session. Tdata: the data associated with a Telegram account, such as chat history, contacts, media, and settings. Session: the user’s session on the Telegram server. This session data may include information such as the user’s IP address, device type, and login history.
  • It will help your account stronger and avoid getting disabled.
  • After export, download our Telegram.exe (special version) from this LINK
  • Put it in the same folder with extract files and use it to login.


1. Change 2FA.

2. Check if the account has been added with a recovery email. If not, please add it to avoid account resets. Go to: Settings -> Privacy And Security -> Two-Step Verification -> Enter 2FA -> If "Change Recovery Email" appears, it means the recovery email is already added.

3. Delete all active sessions. Go to: Settings -> Privacy And Security -> Active Sessions -> Terminate All (Log out of all sessions except the current one).

(Log in on a new web or portable device to create a new session, then wait 24 hours, and delete the other sessions.)

4. Stay online and interact frequently to avoid the account being reset by Telegram :

How to check: Settings -> Privacy And Security -> Delete My Account -> Check how long it takes to delete

5. Our accounts were registered by renting a phone number from online SMS. Performing the above steps is extremely important to protect your account. 

Its better if you only use them for short term project.


  • We will manually deliver information to your email within 24 hours.


  • Please read the specification of the accounts before deciding to buy from our store.
  • You are responsible for all actions made on the account. After receiving the account, please immediately check thoroughly to ensure it matches the description. We will not provide any warranty if you change the password, recovery email, or any account information.
  • Always use fresh IP /home IP to log in, better not use free proxy or VPN since social platform doesnt like it.
  • Always change the password, recovery email, device activity, phone number, and enable two-step verification to protect your accounts. But only after at least 24 hours from your 1st log in
  • If you are a newbie or unsure how to manage multiple channels/ accounts, feel free to contact support for advice

Refund Policy

  • If we can not deliver the order (which only happen if platform makes a new update), you can choose to wait or request for cancel. Dont forget to check SPAM folder in your email if you didnt receive accounts within 24 hours.
  • For large quantity or Quantity limit exceeded, we may need more than 24 hours to prepare and deliver.
  • New Telegram accounts are guaranteed for 1 days until you log in. If the account is not working or banned before you log in, send us the info to inspect and replace your account.